Sunday, March 2, 2008

have the right attitude

Of course wanting to be rich itself is not enough. There are certain behaviors that has to be imprinted within you so that you have the right attitude for the path of richness . Among my suggestions are:

1. Think about the pennies.
Every penny counts. Sometimes you may think its just a couple its just nothing and you should forget about it. Wrong! it all starts with the ignorance of a penny and then progresses on to larger denominations. Before you know it you will be spending more than you are making.
Nevertheless, this does not mean that that you have to be stingy with your family and friends. A penny extra goes a long way in building lasting relationship to which it may turn to a more money making ventures. And don't even start on the gratitude part

2. Optimize and save

Once you have establish the importance of pennies and pounds its time for you to save them appropriately. make sure that each of those extra pennies count to savings. Big amounts can go to the bank. but its the little ones that you may need to save. Its not the matter of how much you save but its a habit for you to eliminate wastage. Wastage is a rich man's no. 1 enemy.

Of course you don't save when it comes to things that are more important. Things that would make you actually lose more than you save. for example you waste time looking for your 1 ringgit note where at the same time you are missing a multi million dollar meeting. That's just penny wise pound foolish.

3. Invest, Invest, Invest

Saving alone won't make you a rich man... yes, you can live a comfortable life, but you won't get rich. Time and time again the world has proven only the people who invest are the one who gets it all. Be it on you own business or property or some else's business

Besides business, investing is your second best chance of getting rich minus the hard work of growing a business.

When talking about investment there are of course a certain attitude mold to follow in order to be a rich investor. It is a characteristic of a successful investor to be a risk taker. For obvious reasons, the higher the risk the higher the returns. But be reminded a rich investor despite taking risk, the risk taken is a calculated risk. Taking risk without any basis is just plain foolish and definitely an attitude that could make you poor

4. Live with no regret

Many skillful people trying to be rich gets trapped in this limbo. They all begin with an optimistic view of being successfully rich. After failure of the first attempt many gave up for a not so rich and but comfortable live. In the end of the day their life do not involve any risk because they are scared. Hence their wealth is stagnant and do not grow as much over time.They become the classic of being conservative.

A person that aspires to be rich must not fall into this trap. Positive attitude despite failure is important in order for the perseverance attitude to thrive. Failure in the beginning at most times are imminent. One must not give up but instead use it as a lesson for the next get rich project.

Things happen. It's your choice to be in the right get rich attitude of seeing the half glass full or live as a cynic by seeing the glass as half empty.

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